

exception flask_utils.restful.ExpectedJSONException

Thrown when JSON was expected in a flask request but was not provided

classmethod handle(exc)

A handler for this type of exception.



Returns the ``flask.request.get_json()`, however if no JSON data was decoded, will raise a ExpectedJSONException

flask_utils.restful.output_json(data, code, headers=None)
api.representations['application/json'] = output_json

Generates better formatted responses for RESTFul APIs.

If the restful resource responds with a string, with a non 200 error, the response will look like

    "_errors": ["String the user responded with"]

Likewise, a string return value with a 200 response will look like:

    "message": "String the user returned with."

If a Non-200 response occured, and flask-restful added it’s own error message in the “message” field of the response data, this data is moved into “_errors”:

    "_errors": ["You don't have the permission to access the requested resource..."]

All data is returned using flask’s jsonify method. This means you can use simplejson to return decimal objects from your flask restful resources.